About Us
Praise in Motion was founded in 1992 by Kathy Thomas and Rhonda Oltjenbruns to train dancers for the purpose of glorifying God and to help restore the arts in the church. Dancers strive to achieve technical excellence while keeping in mind that dancing from the heart for our most important audience, the “Audience of One”, is the ultimate goal. Praise in Motion dancers are worship leaders who invite those in attendance to join them in praise.
Prayer and devotions are a regular part of Praise in Motion life. Dancers gather for devotions, class, and rehearsal on a weekly basis. Theater performances include a Christmas production and a spring concert, and PIM also happily accepts invitations to dance in church services, at fundraisers, and at other events. Our desire is that wherever we may be - in the studio, at a church, in a theater, or out in the community - we will be representatives of Christ.
Original image by Deborah Carmichael Stewart